Painful intercourse is also known as dyspareunia.Causes of painful intercourse range from simple problems that are easy to treat, to more complex problems that may require extensive testing and treatment.
One of the most common causes of painful intercourse is lack of adequate lubrication. This situation can be remedied by longer foreplay prior to intercourse, or by using lubricating agents such as K-Y jelly or Astroglide.
Another common cause of painful intercourse is vaginal infection or irritation. Yeast infections, trichomonas vaginitis, and bacterial vaginosis may all have associated pain with intercourse. Also, certain douches, spermicides, and condoms have agents that are irritating and result in inflammation with associated painful intercourse.
Women who experience pain on deep penetration during intercourse may have a pelvic infection, pelvic mass, endometriosis, or bowel problems. If you have pain with deep penetration you should see your physician for further evaluation.
Finally, some women experience dyspareunia due to psychological factors. Factors leading to the pain may include prior unpleasant sexual experiences and/or prior sexual abuse. Relationship difficulties may also lead to pain with intercourse.
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